State Aid

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In compliance with the disclosure obligations set forth by Law No. 124 of August 4, 2017, art. 1, paragraphs 125-129, it is hereby highlighted that the company has not received any contributions, subsidies, grants, paid assignments or any other economic benefit that is not of a general nature and does not have a compensatory, retributive or reimbursement nature from any entity belonging to the Public Administration or assimilated subject.

With reference to State aid and “De Minimis” aid, please refer to the data contained in the National Register of State Aid, as per art. 52 of Law No. 234 of December 24, 2012, for the fulfillment of the disclosure obligation and which can be consulted at the following link, entering the tax code 03452020161 as the search key in the “CODICE FISCALE” field:

Please also refer to any data contained in public tenders.